Can You Put A Roasting Pan On The Grill? Is It Safe To Use?

Grilling has become a beloved culinary activity for many, bringing delightful smoky flavors to various dishes.

As grilling enthusiasts seek new ways to elevate their outdoor cooking experience, the question arises: Can you put a roasting pan on the grill?

In this article, we’ll explore the compatibility and possibilities of using a roasting pan on the grill, along with some tips, precautions, and mouthwatering recipes for a successful grilling adventure.

Can You Put A Roasting Pan On The Grill

Can You Put A Roasting Pan On The Grill?

Yes, you can put a roasting pan on the grill. It’s important to use a roasting pan made from heat-resistant materials like stainless steel or aluminum to withstand the high grill temperatures safely. Avoid using roasting pans made from glass or ceramic, as they can crack or shatter when exposed to direct heat.

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What Is A Roasting Pan?

Before we delve into grilling, let’s understand the essence of a roasting pan.

A roasting pan is a kitchen essential primarily designed for oven use. It comes in various sizes and materials, typically featuring low sides and sturdy handles for easy handling. The primary purpose of a roasting pan is to roast meats, vegetables, and other dishes, allowing even heat distribution for optimal cooking results.

There are different types of roasting pans available, including stainless steel, aluminum, non-stick, and even disposable ones. Each type has its advantages and is chosen based on specific cooking needs.

Is It Safe To Use A Roasting Pan On The Grill?

Using a roasting pan on the grill can be safe, but it depends on the type of roasting pan you use. It is essential to select a roasting pan made from heat-resistant materials like stainless steel or aluminum that can withstand the high temperatures of the grill without warping or melting. 

However, it is not safe to use roasting pans made from glass or ceramic materials on the grill, as they can crack or shatter when exposed to direct high heat, posing safety hazards and potentially ruining the grilling experience.

By choosing the right type of roasting pan and following proper grilling practices, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable cooking experience on the grill.

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Grilling Essentials

Grilling has gained immense popularity due to its unique ability to impart a smoky flavor to various ingredients.

The high heat and open flame in grilling result in deliciously charred exteriors and succulent interiors, making it a favorite cooking method for many outdoor enthusiasts.

Grilling can be done using various techniques, such as direct grilling, indirect grilling, and even using rotisserie. The method chosen depends on the type of food being prepared and the desired outcome.

Compatibility Of Roasting Pans And Grills

Now, let’s explore whether roasting pans are compatible with grills.

The answer depends on the materials and construction of the roasting pan. Most traditional roasting pans, such as stainless steel and aluminum, are safe to use on grills due to their heat resistance. However, glass or ceramic roasting pans might not be suitable for direct grilling as they are more prone to cracking under high heat.

The compatibility aspect comes into play because some cooking enthusiasts wonder if they can use a roasting pan on the grill to expand their cooking options and enhance their grilling experience. The answer lies in the materials and construction of the roasting pan.

  • Roasting pans made from heat-resistant materials like stainless steel or aluminum are generally safe to use on a grill.
  • These sturdy materials can endure the intense heat of the grill without warping or melting, making them suitable for grilling purposes.

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On the other hand, roasting pans made from glass or ceramic materials should not be used on the grill. Glass and ceramic are more fragile and can crack or shatter when exposed to direct high heat, posing safety hazards and potentially ruining the grilling experience.

Using a roasting pan on the grill can offer several benefits.

  • It provides a contained space for smaller or delicate ingredients, preventing them from falling through the grill grates. 
  • Additionally, a roasting pan allows for more controlled cooking, especially for dishes that require slower cooking or indirect heat. 
  • It also makes basting easier as the pan captures the natural juices released during cooking, keeping the ingredients moist and flavorful.

To ensure a successful grilling experience with a roasting pan, it’s important to choose the right size pan that fits comfortably on the grill without overcrowding it.

Preheating the grill before placing the pan on it helps to start the cooking process immediately and ensures even cooking. Lightly coating the roasting pan with oil or using a non-stick spray prevents sticking and makes cleaning easier.

So, when used correctly with heat-resistant materials, a roasting pan can complement a grill and open up new cooking possibilities, enhancing the overall grilling adventure with delicious and well-cooked dishes.

However, one should exercise caution and avoid using fragile materials like glass or ceramic pans on the grill to prevent accidents and maintain a safe cooking environment.

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How Can You Use A Roasting Pan On The Grill?

Using a roasting pan on the grill can be a fantastic way to expand your outdoor cooking repertoire and achieve delicious results.

To effectively use a roasting pan on the grill, follow these steps:

  1. Choose The Right Roasting Pan: Opt for a roasting pan made from heat-resistant materials like stainless steel or aluminum. These materials can withstand high grill temperatures without warping or melting.
  2. Preheat The Grill: Before placing the roasting pan on the grill, preheat it to the desired cooking temperature. This ensures that your ingredients start cooking immediately and prevents any safety concerns.
  3. Oil The Pan: Lightly coat the roasting pan with oil or use a non-stick spray to prevent sticking and ensure easy food release after grilling.
  4. Prepare The Ingredients: Season and prepare your ingredients according to your recipe. Whether it’s a succulent roast, a medley of vegetables, or a whole chicken, arrange them in the roasting pan evenly.
  5. Indirect Grilling:
    1. For larger cuts of meat or delicate dishes, consider using indirect grilling.
    2. In this method, arrange the coals on one side of the grill or turn off burners in one area, creating a zone with indirect heat.
    3. Place the roasting pan on the indirect heat side to cook the ingredients slowly and evenly.
  6. Direct Grilling: For smaller cuts of meat or ingredients that require a quick sear, use direct grilling. Place the roasting pan directly over the heat source, ensuring the pan’s handles are positioned away from direct flames.
  7. Cover The Grill: If your roasting pan comes with a lid or cover, use it while cooking to help retain heat and moisture, resulting in juicier and more flavorful dishes.
  8. Monitor Cooking Time: Keep a close eye on your ingredients while they grill in the roasting pan. Cooking times may vary depending on the dish and grill temperature, so be attentive to avoid overcooking.
  9. Basting And Sauces: Utilize the roasting pan to capture the natural juices released during cooking. Use these juices for basting your ingredients, enhancing their flavors throughout the grilling process. You can also create delectable sauces and gravies directly in the pan.
  10. Use Oven Mitts: When handling the roasting pan during grilling, always use oven mitts or heat-resistant gloves to protect yourself from the heat.
  11. Serve With Style: Once your ingredients are perfectly grilled in the roasting pan, carefully remove the pan from the grill using oven mitts. Serve your mouthwatering creation directly from the pan for a rustic and inviting presentation.

Remember, grilling with a roasting pan provides you with the opportunity to cook a wide variety of dishes and enjoy more controlled cooking.

From tender roasts to juicy vegetables, using a roasting pan on the grill opens up a world of culinary possibilities that will impress your family and friends during your outdoor cooking gatherings.

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Benefits Of Using A Roasting Pan On The Grill

Using a roasting pan on the grill can offer several benefits that enhance your grilling experience and elevate the quality of your cooked dishes. Let’s explore some of the advantages:

  1. Containment Of Ingredients:
    1. One of the primary benefits of using a roasting pan on the grill is that it provides a contained space for your ingredients.
    2. This is particularly useful for smaller or delicate items like diced vegetables, shrimp, or even smaller cuts of meat.
    3. The pan prevents these delicate pieces from falling through the grill grates, ensuring that you can enjoy every flavorful morsel without any loss.
  2. Controlled Cooking:
    1. Grilling with a roasting pan allows for more controlled and gentle cooking.
    2. Some dishes may require a slower cooking process or indirect heat, and the pan acts as a shield, preventing direct exposure to high flames.
    3. For instance, you can grill a whole chicken evenly by placing it in the roasting pan, surrounded by a bed of aromatic vegetables.
    4. The pan captures and retains the flavors, resulting in a succulent and mouthwatering meal.
  3. Even Heat Distribution:
    1. Roasting pans are designed to ensure even heat distribution, which translates to uniform cooking of your ingredients.
    2. When placed on the grill, the pan helps maintain a consistent temperature around the food, preventing hot spots and ensuring that every part of your dish cooks to perfection.
  4. Juicier And More Flavorful Dishes:
    1. Using a roasting pan on the grill allows you to capture and retain the natural juices released during cooking.
    2. As your ingredients cook, these juices accumulate in the pan, keeping the food moist and succulent.
    3. You can use these flavorful juices for basting, enhancing the taste of your dishes throughout the grilling process.
  5. Enhanced Gravy And Sauces:
    1. The roasting pan can also serve as a convenient vessel for creating delectable sauces and gravies.
    2. As the ingredients cook, their flavors infuse into the juices in the pan.
    3. You can use these flavorful drippings to make rich and savory sauces, elevating the taste of your grilled dishes.
  6. Less Risk Of Overcooking:
    1. Grilling with a roasting pan allows you to monitor and control the cooking process more effectively.
    2. The pan helps prevent direct exposure to intense heat, reducing the risk of overcooking, especially for delicate dishes that require precise timing.
  7. Versatility In Grilling:
    1. A roasting pan opens up a whole new world of grilling possibilities. It is not limited to specific ingredients or recipes.
    2. You can use it to grill a wide variety of dishes, from tender roasts and succulent poultry to flavorful vegetables and even fruits for delightful desserts.
  8. Ease Of Cleaning: Using a roasting pan on the grill can make cleaning up after grilling a breeze. The pan collects any drippings and food particles, making it easier to tidy up your grill afterward.

So, using a roasting pan on the grill is a clever and practical way to enhance your outdoor cooking adventures. It provides containment, controlled cooking, even heat distribution, and the opportunity to create juicy, flavorful dishes with ease.

The versatility it offers expands your grilling repertoire and allows you to explore a wide range of delicious recipes.

Whether you’re grilling for a special occasion or a casual backyard gathering, incorporating a roasting pan into your grilling routine can take your culinary creations to a whole new level.

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Best Practices For Grilling With A Roasting Pan

Grilling with a roasting pan can open up a world of culinary possibilities and elevate your outdoor cooking game. To ensure successful and delicious results, here are some best practices to follow when using a roasting pan on the grill:

  1. Preheat The Grill: Before placing the roasting pan on the grill, preheat it to the desired cooking temperature. Preheating ensures that your ingredients start cooking immediately, allowing for more efficient and even grilling.
  2. Choose The Right Size Pan: Select a roasting pan that fits well on your grill without overcrowding it. Proper spacing allows for better airflow and even cooking of your ingredients.
  3. Use Heat-Resistant Materials: Opt for a roasting pan made from heat-resistant materials like stainless steel or aluminum. These materials can withstand the high temperatures of the grill without warping or melting.
  4. Oil The Pan: Lightly coat the roasting pan with cooking oil or use a non-stick spray before adding your ingredients. This helps prevent sticking and ensures easy food release after grilling.
  5. Indirect Grilling: For larger cuts of meat or dishes that require a slower cooking process, consider using indirect grilling. Arrange the coals on one side of the grill or turn off burners in one area to create a zone with indirect heat. Place the roasting pan on this side for more controlled and gentle cooking.
  6. Direct Grilling: For smaller cuts of meat or ingredients that require a quick sear, use direct grilling. Place the roasting pan directly over the heat source, ensuring the pan’s handles are positioned away from direct flames.
  7. Monitor Cooking Time: Keep a close eye on your ingredients while they grill in the roasting pan. Cooking times may vary depending on the dish and grill temperature, so be attentive to avoid overcooking.
  8. Basting And Sauces: Use the roasting pan to capture the natural juices released during cooking. Baste your ingredients with these flavorful juices to keep them moist and enhance their taste throughout the grilling process. Additionally, you can use the pan to create delectable sauces and gravies for added flavor.
  9. Utilize A Lid Or Cover: If your roasting pan comes with a lid or cover, use it while cooking. The lid helps retain heat and moisture, resulting in juicier and more flavorful dishes.
  10. Protect Your Hands: When handling the roasting pan during grilling, always use oven mitts or heat-resistant gloves to protect yourself from the heat.
  11. Serve With Style: Once your ingredients are perfectly grilled in the roasting pan, carefully remove the pan from the grill using oven mitts. You can serve your mouthwatering creation directly from the pan for a rustic and inviting presentation.

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Recipes For Grilling With A Roasting Pan

Now, let’s tantalize your taste buds with two delectable recipes:

Roast Chicken With Vegetables

Roast chicken with vegetables is a classic and hearty dish that never fails to impress. The combination of tender, succulent chicken with a medley of roasted vegetables creates a delightful symphony of flavors and textures.

This recipe is perfect for a comforting family dinner or a special occasion gathering. Here’s how to make a delicious roast chicken with vegetables:


  • 1 whole chicken (about 4 to 5 pounds)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 1 lemon, halved
  • 1 large onion, cut into wedges
  • 3-4 carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 2-3 parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 2-3 potatoes, cut into chunks
  • 3-4 garlic cloves, minced
  • Fresh thyme and rosemary sprigs for garnish

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  1. Preheat The Oven: Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
  2. Prepare The Chicken: Rinse the chicken inside and out under cold running water. Pat it dry with paper towels. Rub the chicken with olive oil, making sure to coat it evenly.
  3. Season The Chicken:
    1. In a small bowl, mix the salt, black pepper, paprika, garlic powder, dried thyme, and dried rosemary.
    2. Sprinkle the seasoning mixture all over the chicken, including the cavity.
    3. Squeeze the juice of one lemon half over the chicken and place the squeezed lemon half inside the cavity.
  4. Prepare The Vegetables:
    1. In a large roasting pan, toss the onion wedges, carrot chunks, parsnip chunks, and potato chunks with a drizzle of olive oil, minced garlic, salt, and pepper. 
    2. Spread the vegetables evenly across the pan.
  5. Place The Chicken On Vegetables: Place the seasoned chicken on top of the bed of vegetables in the roasting pan. The chicken should be breast-side up.
  6. Roast The Chicken:
    1. Place the roasting pan with the chicken and vegetables in the preheated oven. 
    2. Roast for about 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes, or until the chicken’s internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) when measured with a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh without touching the bone. 
    3. If the chicken starts to brown too quickly, cover it loosely with foil.
  7. Let It Rest:
    1. Once the chicken is fully cooked, remove the roasting pan from the oven.
    2. Tent the chicken with foil and let it rest for about 10 to 15 minutes before carving.
    3. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring a moist and flavorful chicken.
  8. Serve: Carve the chicken into serving pieces and arrange it on a serving platter with the roasted vegetables. Garnish with fresh thyme and rosemary sprigs for an added touch of elegance.

Note: Feel free to customize the vegetable selection based on your preferences. You can use other root vegetables like sweet potatoes or turnips, or add some Brussels sprouts for added variety.

Enjoy this mouthwatering roast chicken with vegetables as a satisfying and wholesome meal. The tender chicken, infused with aromatic herbs and citrus, complements the roasted vegetables perfectly, creating a delightful dish that will leave your family and guests wanting more.

Serve it with your favorite sides or a fresh green salad for a complete and delightful dining experience.

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Grilled Fish Fillet With Citrus Marinade

Grilled fish fillet with citrus marinade is a light and refreshing dish that showcases the natural flavors of the fish while infusing it with zesty and tangy notes from the citrus marinade.

This recipe is perfect for a healthy and flavorful meal, whether for a casual weeknight dinner or a weekend barbecue with friends and family.

Let’s get started on making this delightful grilled fish dish:


  • 4 fish fillets (such as salmon, tilapia, or halibut), skin-on or skinless
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup fresh orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for a touch of sweetness)
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme or 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • Lemon, orange, and lime slices for garnish
  • Fresh parsley or cilantro for garnish


  1. Prepare The Marinade:
    1. In a small bowl, whisk together the fresh lemon juice, fresh orange juice, lime juice, olive oil, minced garlic, honey, or maple syrup (if using), dried thyme, dried oregano, salt, and black pepper.
    2. The marinade should have a well-balanced combination of citrusy, herby, and savory flavors.
  2. Marinate The Fish:
    1. Place the fish fillets in a shallow dish or a resealable plastic bag.
    2. Pour the citrus marinade over the fish, making sure to coat each fillet thoroughly. If using a plastic bag, seal it and gently massage the marinade into the fish.
    3. Refrigerate and let the fish marinate for at least 30 minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse into the fish.
  3. Preheat The Grill: Preheat your grill to medium-high heat (around 400°F to 450°F). Make sure the grill grates are clean and lightly brushed with oil to prevent sticking.
  4. Grill The Fish:
    1. Remove the fish fillets from the marinade and shake off any excess.
    2. Place the fish directly on the grill grates. If using skin-on fillets, start grilling with the skin side down.
    3. Grill the fish for about 4 to 5 minutes per side, depending on the thickness of the fillets.
    4. The fish should be opaque and easily flake with a fork when fully cooked.
  5. Baste With Marinade (Optional): While grilling, you can brush the fish with some of the reserved marinade to keep it moist and add extra flavor. However, do not baste the fish with the marinade used for marinating raw fish.
  6. Garnish And Serve:
    1. Once the fish fillets are grilled to perfection, remove them from the grill and transfer them to a serving platter.
    2. Garnish with lemon, orange, and lime slices for a vibrant presentation.
    3. Sprinkle some fresh parsley or cilantro on top for an added touch of color and herbaceousness.

Note: If you prefer a more intense citrus flavor, you can add some grated lemon, orange, or lime zest to the marinade.

Serve the grilled fish fillets with citrus marinade alongside your favorite side dishes, such as steamed vegetables, quinoa, or a fresh green salad.

The combination of the grilled fish’s delicate texture and the bright and zesty citrus marinade will surely delight your taste buds and make this dish a standout at any mealtime gathering.

Enjoy the light and refreshing flavors of this delicious grilled fish fillet with citrus marinade!

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Maintenance And Cleaning Of Roasting Pan And Grill

Proper maintenance and regular cleaning of your roasting pan and grill are essential to preserve their performance, prevent the buildup of grease and food residue, and ensure safe and hygienic cooking.

Here are some tips and guidelines to keep your roasting pan and grill in excellent condition:

Cleaning The Roasting Pan

  1. After Use: After using the roasting pan, allow it to cool down before cleaning. Avoid using cold water on hot pans, as extreme temperature changes can damage the pan’s surface.
  2. Soak In Hot Soapy Water: Fill the roasting pan with hot, soapy water and let it soak for a while to loosen any stuck-on food or grease.
  3. Scrubbing And Cleaning: Use a soft sponge or non-abrasive scrubber to gently scrub the interior and exterior of the roasting pan. Avoid using harsh scouring pads or steel wool, as they can scratch the surface.
  4. Baking Soda Paste: For stubborn stains or burnt-on residue, make a paste with baking soda and water, apply it to the affected areas, and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing.
  5. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the roasting pan thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining soap or baking soda residue.
  6. Dry Completely: After cleaning, dry the roasting pan with a clean towel to prevent water spots and maintain its appearance.

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Maintaining The Roasting Pan

  1. Seasoning (For Cast Iron Roasting Pans): If you have a cast iron roasting pan, consider seasoning it regularly to maintain its non-stick properties and prevent rust. To season, apply a thin layer of vegetable oil to the pan’s interior and heat it in the oven at a high temperature for about an hour.
  2. Avoid Metal Utensils: When using the roasting pan, avoid using metal utensils that can scratch or damage the surface. Opt for wooden or silicone utensils instead.
  3. Storage: Store the roasting pan in a dry and well-ventilated area. If possible, keep it in a location where it won’t be stacked or squeezed among other heavy kitchen items.

Cleaning The Grill

  1. Pre-Grill Cleaning: Before cooking, preheat the grill to a high temperature to burn off any leftover food residue. Use a grill brush to scrape the grates thoroughly.
  2. Post-Grill Cleaning: After grilling, while the grill is still warm, use the grill brush again to remove any remaining food particles and grease.
  3. Soaking Grates: For tougher grime, soak the grill grates in hot, soapy water for a few minutes to make scrubbing easier.
  4. Scrubbing Grates: Use a grill brush or a ball of crumpled aluminum foil to scrub the grates clean. For stainless steel grates, you can use a non-abrasive scouring pad.
  5. Cleaning The Exterior: Wipe down the exterior of the grill with warm, soapy water to remove grease and dirt.

Maintaining The Grill

  1. Covering The Grill: Invest in a grill cover to protect the grill from the elements when not in use. A cover helps prevent rust and prolongs the life of the grill.
  2. Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the grill’s burners, gas lines, and other components for any signs of wear or damage. Replace or repair any faulty parts promptly.
  3. Grease Management: Empty and clean the grease trap or tray regularly to prevent grease buildup and potential flare-ups.
  4. Season The Grill Grates: For cast iron or porcelain-coated grill grates, you can season them similarly to a cast iron roasting pan to maintain their non-stick properties.

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Final Verdict

Yes, you can put a roasting pan on the grill, but with some important considerations. Using a roasting pan on the grill can be a practical and effective way to expand your grilling options and achieve delicious results, especially for dishes that require more controlled cooking or need to be kept separate from direct flames.

The key to safely using a roasting pan on the grill lies in selecting the right type of pan. Opt for a roasting pan made from heat-resistant materials like stainless steel or aluminum.

These materials can withstand the intense heat of the grill without warping or melting, ensuring a safe and successful grilling experience.

However, it’s essential to avoid using roasting pans made from glass or ceramic materials on the grill, as they can crack or shatter when exposed to direct high heat, posing safety hazards and potentially ruining the grilling experience.

So, with the right type of roasting pan and by following proper grilling practices, you can confidently use a roasting pan on the grill to elevate your grilling adventures and enjoy delectable, well-cooked dishes.

Embrace this opportunity to experiment with new recipes and enhance your outdoor cooking experience while maintaining a safe and enjoyable grilling environment.

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  1. Can All Roasting Pans Be Used On A Grill?

    No, only roasting pans made from heat-resistant materials like stainless steel and aluminum are suitable for grilling.

  2. What Are The Benefits Of Using A Roasting Pan On The Grill?

    A roasting pan prevents smaller food items from falling through the grates and offers a more controlled cooking environment for delicate dishes.

  3. Can I Use A Glass Roasting Pan On The Grill?

    It’s not recommended, as glass roasting pans are more prone to cracking under high grill heat.

  4. How Do I Season A New Roasting Pan For Grilling?

    Season the roasting pan by lightly coating it with oil before grilling to prevent sticking.

  5. Can I Use A Roasting Pan On A Charcoal Grill?

    Yes, as long as the roasting pan is made from suitable heat-resistant materials, it can be used on a charcoal grill.

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